1. Identification & demographic details:
Marital status:
Husband's name:
Blood group & Rh type:
MTP: Yes_____/ No
Religion and caste:
Nearest health facility:
Place opted for delivery: Home/ Hospital/ Not decided
(If admitted in hospital)
Ward/ Unit/ Treating doctor:________________________
Date of admission:____/______/____
IP/OP No:_______
Mode of admission: Self/ Referral
2. Presenting/ Chief complaints:
3. History of presenting illness:
My patient was apparently alright then he developed _____________(name of the symptom) which was insidious/ sudden in onset, progressive/ non-progressive in nature. (describe each symptom in detail with treatment history if taken). There is no history of _______________________. (Ask & write the negative history based on probable causes.)
4. Past history:
Write down if any history of past surgeries, illnesses, blood transfusions, allergies, or trauma.
H/O Fever with rash: Yes/ No
TORCH infections: Yes_____/ No
HIV/ STD: Yes/ No
Diabetes/ Hypertension: Yes_____ since____years/ No
Any h/o drug reactions: Yes/ No
5.Menstrual history:
Age of menarche___________years
Menstrual cycle: Regular/ irregular
Passing clots: Yes/ No
Used____Pads/ day
6. Obstetric history:
Age of marriage:_____________Years
Type of marriage: Consanguinous/ Non-consanguinous
Duration of active married life:__________Months/ Years
Interval between previous & present pregnancy:_____months/ years
POG (Period of gestation):_____________Months
Sexually active up to:________Months POG
Registration of pregnancy done at:_______________
(Name of place & date)
History of present pregnancy:
Antenatal care:
1. Time of registration________(in months)
2. Confirmation of pregnancy: UPT at home/ a health center/ other
3. Source of Antenatal care__________
4. No.of Home visits___________
5. Antenatal period____________
First trimester:
- Registration details_____________
- Excessive vomiting: Yes/ No
- Bleeding p/v: Yes/ No
- Fever with rashes: Yes/ No
- Drug intake: Yes_______________________/ No
- Weight gain: __________Kg
- Investigations-Hb%, CBC, Urine routine & microscopy, USG , blood grouping & Rh typing, VDRL, HBsAg, HIV, RBS, TFT, LFT, etc.
- Folate supplementation: Yes since______/ No
- TT: Taken/ Not taken/ 1st dose/ Both doses
Second trimester:
- Quickening: Felt at_________ weeks/ Not felt
- Weight gain: Yes__________Kg/ No
- Blurring of vision: Yes/ No
- Epigastric pain: Yes/ No
- Pedal edema: Yes/ No
- Headache: Yes/ No
- Iron and calcium supplementation: Taking daily OD/ BD/ No
- Side effects because of IFA supplementation: Yes Nausea/ vomiting/ loss of appetite/ change in the colour of stools/ No
- Hours of sleep/rest: Afternoon___hours and night___hours
- Tetanus toxoid immunization: Yes 1st dose/ 2nd dose/ No
- Investigations: Hb%, CBC, Urine routine & microscopy, Blood suger-FBS & PPBS, USG Abdomen, LFT, KFT, TFT, etc.
Third trimester:
ANC visits: Yes ______times/ No
Weight gain: Yes_____Kg/ No
Warning signs: Present/ Absent
- Pain abdomen: Yes/ No
- Decreased perception of fetal movements: Yes/ No
- Leaking / Bleeding pv: Yes/ No
- Any high risk status: Yes_____________/ No
Postnatal care:
Post obstetric history:
Family planning:
- Do the couple know that it is possible to prevent or postpone pregnancy: Husband: Yes/ No; Wife: Yes/ No
- Are they aware of any methods of preventing or postponing pregnancy: Husband: Yes/ No; Wife: Yes/ No
- If yes, which method(s):_____________________
- Attitude towards family planning: Husband Willing: Yes/ No;
- Wife Willing: Yes/ No
- Are they practicing any method: Yes/ No
- If yes, which method:__________
- If no, did they ever practice: Yes_________/ No
- Describe how they decided on a particular method and reason for changing if any___________
- Are they satisfied with the method used: Yes/ No
- If no, give reasons:_________
Sexually Transmitted Infections:
Received treatment for STI - Yes/ No
Place of treatment - Public/ Private hospital
Husband treated - Yes/ No
7. Personal history:
Diet: Veg/ Mixed/ Vegan
Appetite: Normal/ Increased/ Decreased
Bowel & bladder: Regular/ Irregular
Sleep: Normal/ Increased/ Decreased
Physical activity: Sedentary/ Moderate/ Heavy worker
Duration of work:________hours
Addiction: Yes/ No
(If yes, then specify Gutkha/ Pan-mashala/ Tobacco chewing/ Smoking/ Alcohol/ IV drugs)
8. Family history:
Family type: Nuclear/ Joint/ 3 generation
Family composition (draw a family tree)
Any history of consanguinity: Yes/ No
Family relationships: Good/ Not good
The response of family towards the illness:_____________
(No need to write if it is included in the family details)
9. Environmental history:
Waste disposal:
Drinking water:
Animals/ pets:
Occupational environment:
(No need to write if it is included in the family details)
10. Socio-economic history:
Interaction with society: Yes/ No
The response of society towards the person: Good/ Bad/____
Presence of stigma: Yes/ No
if yes specify____________________
Participation in festivals, marriages and other social activities & involvement in social groups: Yes/ No
Total family income:______________
Expenditure on diet and medical care:__________
Savings or debts_____________________
Family tensions due to the economic situation: Yes/ No
(No need to write if it is included in the family details)
Social welfare measures:
PDS/ JSY/ Anganwadi/ others__________
11. Nutritional history (as relevant to the case):
Calculation of calories, carbohydrates, proteins & fats (& salts) being supplied to the person by 24-hour diet recall method (tabular format for breakfast, lunch, evening snacks & dinner) and required amount by the person through diet. Mention the deficiency or excess.
(No need to write if it is included in the family details)
12. Psychosocial history:
Mental changes: Memory loss/ Depression/ Any other______
Living with: Spouse/ Son/ Daughter/ Relative/ Others
Emotional disorders: Loneliness/ Feeling unwanted/ Insecurity/ Other________
13. General physical examination:
Blood pressure (BP): ___________ mm Hg Right/ Left arm sitting/ supine position.
Pulse rate(PR): __________ beats/ min regular/ irregular
Respiratory rate (RR): __________ cycles/ min
Temperature: ___________ degree F
Pallor: Yes/ No
Icterus: Yes/ No
Clubbing: Yes/ No
Cyanosis: Yes/ No
Lymphadenopathy: Yes/ No
Edema: Yes/ No
Height: _________m
Weight: ________kg
BMI:__________ kg/ m2
Head to toe examination:
General cleanliness: Good/ Bad
Hair: clean/Unclean/ Combed/ Uncombed
Eye: Vision: Normal/ Decreased; Using spectacles: Yes/ No; Senile cataract: Yes/ No/ Mature/ Imature; Glaucoma: Yes/ No; Operated: Yes/ No
Ear: Hearing: Normal/ Decreased; if decreased ,type of hearing loss: Conductive/ SNHL/ Mixed; Ear discharge: Yes/ No
Oral: No of teeth:______; Using dentures: Yes/ No; Oral hygiene: Good/ Poor
Thyroid swelling: Yes/ No
Breats: Normal/ Abnormal________
Any other significant finding____________________
14. Systemic examination:
Obstetric Examination:
Linea nigra: Present/ Absent
Striae gravidarum: Present/ Absent
Any scar: Present/ Absent
Prominent veins: Present/ Absent
Abdominal girth:____cm
Fundal grip:____________________________
Lateral grip:_____________________________
1st Pelvic grip:____________________________
2nd Pelwic grip:___________________________
Fetal heart sound:_____beats/min
Important clinical findings:
Respiratory system:
Cardiovascular system:
Gastrointestinal system:
CNS examination:
Musculoskeletal system:
Provisional clinical diagnosis:
15. Laboratory investigations:
Hb%, CBC, Urine routine & microscopy, Urine albumin, USG, Viral markers, Blood grouping & Rh typing, KFT, LFT, TFT, Blood sugar-FBS, PPBS, Pap smear test, etc.
(already done and planned in future)
Mrs. X, -------year-old, married since------------, is currently in 1st/ 2nd/ 3rdpregnancy in ------months of gestation with ------ such complaints (high risk or not) is planning for safe confinement in ______ center.
Positive and Negative Factors:________
Level of failures:________
16. Comprehensive Diagnosis/ Clinico-social diagnosis:
This is the family of Mr.____________residing in ________ (name of the area), having______membered, nuclear/ 3-generation/ joint family, belonging to socioeconomic status class __________ according to _____________ (name of the classification), a BPL/ APL card holder. The health problems, health demands & health needs of the family are _______________________. (Disease with/without complication, Social problem, Mental problems). The vulnerable individuals identified in the family are ________ (why are they vulnerable?)
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